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Error: expecting an array, a promise or a thenable

timeimp edited this page Dec 13, 2015 · 3 revisions

When this error occurs, the function throwing the error expects a return value that is Promisified, but is given something different. There are two main reasons why this may occur.

1. Working with collections (like arrays) but pass a single, non-collection element instead


function returnThree(){ return 3;}

     console.log("Hello Value!",val); 

The map operation is expecting an array here (or a promise on one) and instead gets the number 5.

function returnThree(){ return 3;}

     console.log("Hello Value!",val); 

map is given an array with a single element (see [5] instead of 5), so this statement will work (but is bad practice).

2.return is forgotten in a 'fat' arrow / anonymous function call =>:

When debugging or performing a one-time operation on a variable before passing it to a function, a return variable is forgotten.


function nextFunction(something){ return Promise.resolve(something*3); }

    .then(result => nextFunction(result)); // We are implicitly returning a Promise

Debugging, we want to see the value of result, so we add a console.log() line:

function nextFunction(something){ return Promise.resolve(something*3); }

myFunction().then(result => {
    console.log("Debug:", result);
    nextFunction(result)); // The chain is broken! We don't return anything to the .then() call

As this is an anonymous function call, we need to return something, which is not currently happening.

To fix, simply remember to add return in front of your promise-complying function:

function nextFunction(something){ return Promise.resolve(something*3); }

myFunction().then(result => {
    console.log("Debug:", result);
    return nextFunction(result)); // The anonymous function returns the function which returns the promise .then() needs