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Error: Catch filter must inherit from Error or be a simple predicate function

bgdavidx edited this page Aug 10, 2015 · 3 revisions

Error: Catch filter must inherit from Error or be a simple predicate function

Bluebird supports typed and predicate .catch calls. However in order to use the typed/predicate catch syntax for error handling you must do one of two things.

Pass it a constructor that inherits from Error:

}).catch(ReferenceError, function(e) { // this is fine
}).catch(Array, function(e) { // arrays don't capture stack traces

This is to enable better stack trace support and to have more consistent and logical code.

Alternatively, if you provide it a predicate be sure it's a simple function:

}).catch(function(e){ return false; }, function(e) { // this catches nothing
}).catch(function(e){ return e.someProp == 5; }, function(e) { // this is fine

Please see the API docs on how to use predicate catches.