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Chat parser library for use in üWave client applications.


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Chat markup parser for üWave client applications.

Installation - Usage - Supported Markup - API - License

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npm install --save u-wave-parse-chat-markup


import parseChatMarkup from 'u-wave-parse-chat-markup';

const tree = parseChatMarkup('This is a *test* _message_, with some ~MARKUP~');
// tree =
[ 'This is a ',
  { type: 'bold', content: [ 'test' ] },
  ' ',
  { type: 'italic', content: [ 'message' ] },
  ', with some ',
  { type: 'strike', content: [ 'MARKUP' ] } ]

Supported markup

  • Bolded text using *asterisks*
  • Italics using _underscores_
  • Monospace using `backticks`
  • Strikethrough using ~tildes~
  • Emoji 😄 using :colons:
  • @-mentions using @at-signs


parseChatMarkup(text, options={})

Returns an array/tree-like structure with parsed tokens.

Available options are:

  • mentions - Array of (user)names that can be @-mentioned.

  • emojiNames - Array of available :emoji: names, as strings, and without colons. If an emoji name is not in this array, it's not parsed. For example:

    emojiNames: ['smile', 'cry', 'hearts']

    If you don't pass this list, all :emoji:-style strings will be parsed as emoji, and you'll have to filter nonexistent emoji elsewhere in your app.

Parsed text

parseChatMarkup returns an array of tokens. Some markup can be nested, so some tokens contain token arrays, too.

"Normal" text is embedded as a plain string. Other tokens are objects with a .type property.

Example return value:

  '@You This _is a ~bunch~ of *test markup* :sparkles:_. ' +
  '`Code blocks *do not nest*.` :not_an_emoji:',
    mentions: ['You'],
    emojiNames: ['sparkles']
// →
[ { type: 'mention', mention: 'You' },
  'This ',
  { type: 'italic', content: [
    'is a ',
    { type: 'strike', content: ['bunch'] },
    ' of ',
    { type: 'bold', content: ['test markup'] },
    ' ',
    { type: 'emoji', name: 'sparkles' } ] },
  ' ',
  { type: 'code', content: ['Code blocks *do not nest*.'] },
  ' :not_an_emoji:' ]

Quick list of token types:

Type Properties
bold .content - token array
italic .content - token array
strike .content - token array
code .content - token array
emoji .name - emoji name
mention .mention - mentioned name, lowercase
link .text - displayed text, .href - link URL
