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fix(release): manually release a major version
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There was an issue with a major release, so this
change is to release a new major version.

Reference: #59

BREAKING CHANGE: no more need for --prettier prefixing for Prettier's options
  • Loading branch information
Kent C. Dodds committed May 21, 2017
1 parent 9e11635 commit d68ae4f
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 0 deletions.
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions other/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# manual-releases

This project has an automated release set up. So things are only released when there are
useful changes in the code that justify a release. But sometimes things get messed up one way or another
and we need to trigger the release ourselves. When this happens, simply bump the number below and commit
that with the following commit message based on your needs:


fix(release): manually release a major version
There was an issue with a major release, so this
change is to release a new major version.
Reference: #<the number of a relevant pull request, issue, or commit>
BREAKING CHANGE: <mention any relevant breaking changes (this is what triggers the major version change so don't skip this!)>


feat(release): manually release a minor version
There was an issue with a minor release, so this
change is to release a new minor version.
Reference: #<the number of a relevant pull request, issue, or commit>


fix(release): manually release a patch version
There was an issue with a patch release, so this
change is to release a new patch version.
Reference: #<the number of a relevant pull request, issue, or commit>

The number of times we've had to do a manual release is: 1

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