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Feature / Use AST to translate WHERE clause (#54)
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* replace regex matching with ast parsing

* add tests from #53

* update a test based on the bug story
  • Loading branch information
haoliangyu authored and Daniel Fenton committed Dec 5, 2017
1 parent 92c8f16 commit cfa88c7
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Showing 3 changed files with 143 additions and 126 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.json
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
"@turf/centroid": "^5.0.4",
"alasql": "^0.4.0",
"classybrew": "0.0.3",
"flora-sql-parser": "^0.7.5",
"highland": "^3.0.0-beta.3",
"lodash": "^4.17.4",
"moment": "^2.18.1",
Expand Down
236 changes: 110 additions & 126 deletions src/where.js
@@ -1,165 +1,149 @@
const OPERATORS = ['>', '<', '=', '>=', '<=', 'like', 'ilike', 'in', 'is']
const _ = require('lodash');
const Parser = require('flora-sql-parser').Parser;
const parser = new Parser();

* Creates a viable SQL where clause from a passed in SQL (from a url "where" param)
* @param {string} where - a sql where clause
* @param {Array} fields - a list of fields in to support coded value domains
* @return {string} sql
* Convert an expression node to its string representation.
* @param {object} node AST expression node
* @param {object} options winnow options
* @return {string} expression string
function createClause (options) {
options = options || {}
if (!options.where) return ''
let tokens = tokenize(options.where)
if (options.esriFields) {
tokens = decodeDomains(tokens, options.esriFields)
function handleExpr(node, options) {
let expr;

if (node.type === 'unary_expr') {
expr = `${node.operator} ${traverse(node.expr, options)}`
} else if (node.operator === '=' && node.left.value === 1 && node.right.value === 1) {
// a special case related to arcgis server
return '1=1'
} else {
// store the column node for value decoding

if (node.left.type === 'column_ref') {
node.right.columnNode = node.left

if (node.right.type === 'column_ref') {
node.left.columnNode = node.right

expr = `${traverse(node.left, options)} ${node.operator} ${traverse(node.right, options)}`
return translate(tokens, options)

* Take arbitrary sql and turns it into a consistent set of tokens
function tokenize (sql) {
// normalize all the binary expressions
sql = pad(sql)
let temp
// find any multi-word tokens and replace the spaces with a special character
// note: only 1 or 2 word tokens are accepted. Anything larger does not work
const regex = /['"]\S+\s\S+['"]/g
while ((temp = regex.exec(sql)) !== null) {
const field = temp[0].replace(/\s/, '|@')
sql = sql.replace(temp[0], field)
if (node.parentheses) {
expr = `(${expr})`
return sql.split(' ')

return expr

* Normalize binary operations to consistent spacing
* Convert an expression list node to its string representation.
* @param {object} node AST expression list node
* @param {object} options winnow options
* @return {string} expression list string
function pad (sql) {
const operators = [
{regex: />=/g, string: '>='},
{regex: /<=/g, string: '<='},
{regex: /=/g, string: '='},
{regex: />(?!=)/g, string: '>'},
{regex: /<(?!=)/g, string: '<'}
const padded = operators.reduce(function (statement, op) {
const pad = statement.replace(op.regex, ` ${op.string} `)
// ugly hack because javascripts haz no lookbehind
return pad.replace(/> =/, '>=').replace(/< =/, '<=').replace(/i like/, 'ilike')
}, sql)
return padded.replace(/\s\s/g, ' ')
function handleExprList(node, options) {
const values = => traverse(valueNode, options)).join(',')
return `(${values})`

* Iterate through all tokens and replace values that belong to a coded domain
* @param {array} tokens - a set of tokens for a sql where clause
* @param {array} fields - the set of fields from a geoservices compatible service
* @return {array} a set of tokens where any coded values have been decoded
* Convert a function node to its string representation.
* @param {object} node AST function node
* @param {object} options winnow options
* @return {string} function string
function decodeDomains (tokens, fields) {
return (token, i) {
if (i < 2) return token
const left = tokens[i - 2]
const middle = tokens[i - 1]
const right = token
// if this set of 3 tokens makes a binary operation then check if we need to apply a domain
if (isBinaryOp(left, middle, right)) return applyDomain(left, right, fields)
else return token
function handleFunction(node, options) {
const args = handleExprList(node.args, options)
return `${}${args}`

* Check whether 3 tokens make up a binary operation
* Convert a column node to its string representation.
* @param {object} node AST column node
* @param {object} options winnow options
* @return {string} column string
function isBinaryOp (left, middle, right) {
if (!left || !middle || !right) return false
return OPERATORS.indexOf(middle) > -1
function handleColumn(node, options) {
return options.esri ? `attributes->\`${node.column}\`` : `properties->\`${node.column}\``

* Check for any coded values in the fields
* if we find a match, replace value with the coded val
* Convert a value node to its string representation.
* If the value node has a reference to its column and this column is an encoded
* field, this function will try to decode the value.
* @param {string} fieldName - the name of field to look for
* @param {number} value - the coded value
* @param {Array} fields - a list of fields to use for coded value replacements
* @param {object} node AST value node
* @param {object} options winnow options
* @return {string} value string
function applyDomain (fieldName, value, fields) {
const field = fields.filter(f => { return === fieldName })[0]
if (!field) return value
const domain = field.domain
if (domain && domain.codedValues) {
const decoded = domain.codedValues.filter(cv => { return value.match(cv.code) })[0].name
return typeof decoded === 'string' ? `'${decoded}'` : decoded
} else {
return value
function handleValue(node, options) {
let value = node.value;

if (node.columnNode) {
const field = _.find(options.esriFields, { name: node.columnNode.column })

if (_.has(field, 'domain.codedValues')) {
const actual = _.find(field.domain.codedValues, { code: value })

if (actual) {
value =

* Translate tokens to be compatible with postgres json
function translate (tokens, options) {
const parts = (token, i) {
const middle = tokens[i + 1]
if (!middle) return token
// if this is a field name wrap it in postgres json
const left = jsonify(token, middle, options)
const right = removeTrailingParen(tokens[i + 2])
// if this is a numeric operation cast to float
return cast(left, middle, right)
return parts.join(' ').replace(/\|@/g, ' ')
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = `'${value}'`

* Cast a JSON selector to float if this is a numeric operation
function cast (left, middle, right) {
const numericOp = ['>', '<', '=', '>=', '<='].indexOf(middle) > -1 && isNumeric(right)
if (numericOp) return left
else return left
return value

* Removes the trailing parameter from a sql token
* Traverse a SQL AST and return its string representation
* @param {object} node AST node
* @param {object} options winnow options
* @return {string} AST string
function removeTrailingParen (token) {
if (!token) return undefined
const paren = token.indexOf(')') > -1
if (paren) return token.slice(0, paren)
else return token
function traverse(node, options) {
if (!node) {
return ''

switch(node.type) {
case 'unary_expr':
case 'binary_expr':
return handleExpr(node, options)
case 'function':
return handleFunction(node, options)
case 'expr_list':
return handleExprList(node, options)
case 'column_ref':
return handleColumn(node, options)
case 'string':
case 'number':
case 'null':
case 'bool':
return handleValue(node, options)
throw new Error('Unrecognized AST node: \n' + JSON.stringify(node, null, 2))

* Apply JSON selectors where appropriate
* Creates a viable SQL where clause from a passed in SQL (from a url "where" param)
* @param {string} options winnow options
* @return {string} SQL where clause
function jsonify (token, next, options) {
function createClause(options) {
options = options || {}
let leading = ''
const lastPar = token.lastIndexOf('(')
if (lastPar > -1) {
leading = token.slice(0, lastPar + 1)
token = token.slice(lastPar + 1, token.length)
const trailingParens = token.match(/\)+\s*$/)
let trailing = ''
if (trailingParens) {
trailing = trailingParens[0]
token = token.slice(0, trailingParens.index)
const selector = options.esri ? 'attributes' : 'properties'
if (next) next = next.toLowerCase()
const field = token.replace(/'|"/g, '')
if (OPERATORS.indexOf(next) > -1 && field !== '1') return `${leading}${selector}->\`${field}\`${trailing}`
else return leading + token + trailing
if (!options.where) return ''

function isNumeric (num) {
return (num >= 0 || num < 0)
// AST parsing requires a complete SQL.
const whereTree = parser.parse('SELECT * WHERE ' + options.where).where
return traverse(whereTree, options)

module.exports = { createClause }
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions test/prepare.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
const test = require('tape')
const Winnow = require('../src')

test('compiling a complex query', t => {
try {
geometry: {
xmin: -37237674.195623085,
ymin: 676003.5082798181,
xmax: 37237674.195623085,
ymax: 12416731.052879848,
spatialReference: {
wkt: 'PROJCS["WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-6.828007551173374],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",0.0],PARAMETER["Auxiliary_Sphere_Type",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0]]'
}), 'query compiled')
} catch (e) {

test('compiling with several and statements', t => {
try {
t.ok(Winnow.prepareQuery({where: 'ELEVATION >= 1165 AND ELEVATION <= 4365 AND POP1990 >= 8247 AND POP1990 <= 5700236'}))
} catch (e) {

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