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dy committed Jul 25, 2017
1 parent 61232dd commit 31a05ae
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Expand Up @@ -11,106 +11,22 @@ let colormap = require('colormap')

let colors = colormap({
colormap: 'jet'
nshades: 72,
nshades: 10,
format: 'hex',
alpha: 1

## API

### colormap(options)
### list = colormap(options?)

| Property | Default | Meaning |
| `colormap` | `'jet'` | Color scale name |
| `nshades` | `72` | Number of colors in returned array |
| `format` | `'hex'` | `'hex'`, `'rgbaString'`, `'rgb'` |
| `alpha` | `1` | Alpha range, can be an array with alpha values or just 2 values for start/end colors. |

where leaving `options = {}` or `undefined` results in the defaults given above. There is a minimum number of `nshades` divisions you can select since the algorithms for each colormap have different requirements. `colormap` throws an error if there are too few divisions for the chosen colormap and gives the minimum number required. You should be safe with `n > 10` for all the colormaps, though some require much less (much simpler to implemenent).

## Options
The `colormap` option can be any of the supported builtin colormaps. Or you can add your own. For an example of how to add your own see the json format available at:

colorscales = require('colormap/colormap')

Colorscales are a sequence of objects containing an `index` and `rgb` key. The index defines how fast or slow the `rgb` values will change from one segment to the next. Ie.the steepness of the gradient between two segments. The `rgb` parameter can hold a length 3 or 4 array, depending if alpha values are included in the mapping.

## Return values
An array of hex values ('hex') or an array of length 4 arrays containing rgba values ('rgb') or an rgba css string ('rgbaString').

## Complete Example
This example will produce the colormap image used at top of this README. It uses all built in color maps and utilizes alpha channel mapping.

var cmap = require('./..'),
canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'),
img = document.getElementById('background'),
c = canvas.getContext('2d'),
n = 48,
colormaps = [
'jet', 'hsv','hot','cool','spring','summer','autumn','winter','bone',

img.onload = run;

function drawColorMaps (colormap, name, height) {
* Build up the color ranges and add text
for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
c.fillStyle = colormap[j]; // start ind at index 0
c.fillRect(j*10, height, 10, 40);

c.fillStyle = '#262626';
c.font = '16px Helvetica';
c.fillText( name, n*10 + 10, height + 26);

function run() {
var height, colormap;
c.canvas.height = colormaps.length * 40 + img.height;
c.canvas.width = 648;

for (var i = 0; i < colormaps.length; i++) {
height = i*40;
colormap = cmap({
colormap: colormaps[i],
nshades: n,
format: 'rgbaString'
drawColorMaps(colormap, colormaps[i], height);

* Now lets try some alpha maps overtop an image!
var ilast = i;
c.drawImage(img, 0, i*40, 480, 240);

// remove background img

for (var i = 0; i < colormaps.length; i++) {
height = (ilast + i)*40;
colormap = cmap({
colormap: colormaps[i],
nshades: n,
format: 'rgbaString',
alpha: [0, 1]
drawColorMaps(colormap, colormaps[i] + ' with transparency', height);

Then just [browserify]( it and throw it in some html and it will output the image above!
Property | Default | Meaning
`colormap` | `'jet'` | Color map name from the image above or a custom color scale — a sequence of `{index, rgb}` objects, where index is `0..1` number and `rgb` is a length 3/4 array with values for the color stop.
`nshades` | `72` | Number of colors in returned array, the minimum number depends on `colormap`.
`format` | `'hex'` | `'hex'` for `#aabbcc`, `'rgbaString'` for `rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)`, `'rba'` for `[255, 255, 255, 1]`, `'float'` for `[1, 1, 1, 1]`.
`alpha` | `1` | Alpha range, can be an array with alpha values or just 2 values for start/end colors. |

## Credits
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11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion index.js
Expand Up @@ -119,11 +119,20 @@ function createColormap (spec) {
colors.push(cmap[cmap.length - 1].rgb.concat(alpha[1]))

if (format === 'hex') colors = rgb2hex );
if (format === 'rgbaString') colors = rgbaStr );
else if (format === 'rgbaString') colors = rgbaStr );
else if (format === 'float') colors = rgb2float );

return colors;

function rgb2float (rgba) {
return [
rgba[0] / 255,
rgba[1] / 255,
rgba[2] / 255,

function rgb2hex (rgba) {
var dig, hex = '#';
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