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MikeMcl committed Feb 23, 2019
1 parent 18bf82a commit 7b8eeb9
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Showing 12 changed files with 677 additions and 351 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
#### 8.1.0
* 23/02/2019
* [NEW FEATURE] #220 Create a BigNumber using `{s, e, c}`.
* [NEW FEATURE] `isBigNumber`: if `BigNumber.DEBUG` is `true`, also check that the BigNumber instance is well-formed.
* Remove `instanceof` checks; just use `_isBigNumber` to identify a BigNumber instance.
* Add `_isBigNumber` to prototype in *bignumber.mjs*.
* Add tests for BigNumber creation from object.
* Update *API.html*.

#### 8.0.2
* 13/01/2019
* #209 `toPrecision` without argument should follow `toString`.
Expand Down
6 changes: 0 additions & 6 deletions
Expand Up @@ -219,12 +219,6 @@ x.div(3) // '0.3333333333'
y.div(3) // '0.33333'

To avoid having to call `toString` or `valueOf` on a BigNumber to get its value in the Node.js REPL or when using `console.log` use

BigNumber.prototype[require('util').inspect.custom] = BigNumber.prototype.valueOf;

For further information see the [API]( reference in the *doc* directory.

## Test
Expand Down
251 changes: 135 additions & 116 deletions bignumber.d.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Type definitions for bignumber.js >=8.0.0
// Type definitions for bignumber.js >=8.1.0
// Project:
// Definitions by: Michael Mclaughlin <>
// Definitions:
Expand All @@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
// class BigNumber (default export)
// type BigNumber.Constructor
// type BigNumber.Instance
// type BigNumber.ModuloMode
// type BigNumber.RoundingMOde
// type BigNumber.Value
// interface BigNumber.Config
// interface BigNumber.Format
// interface BigNumber.Instance
// Example (alternative syntax commented-out):
// Example:
// import {BigNumber} from "bignumber.js"
// //import BigNumber from "bignumber.js"
Expand All @@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
// let v: BigNumber.Value = '12345.6789';
// let b: BigNumber = new BigNumber(v);
// //let b: BigNumber.Instance = new BigNumber(v);
// The use of compiler option `--strictNullChecks` is recommended.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,12 +263,12 @@ export namespace BigNumber {
* The alphabet used for base conversion. The length of the alphabet corresponds to the maximum
* value of the base argument that can be passed to the BigNumber constructor or `toString`.
* Default value: `'0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'`.
* There is no maximum length for the alphabet, but it must be at least 2 characters long,
* and it must not contain whitespace or a repeated character, or the sign indicators '+' and
* '-', or the decimal separator '.'.
* '-', or the decimal separator '.'.
* ```ts
* // duodecimal (base 12)
Expand All @@ -282,8 +281,6 @@ export namespace BigNumber {
ALPHABET?: string;

export type Constructor = typeof BigNumber;

* See `FORMAT` and `toFormat`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,52 +327,50 @@ export namespace BigNumber {
suffix?: string;

interface RegularNumberObject {
export interface Instance {
* The coefficient of the value of this BigNumber, an array of base 1e14 integer numbers.
* The coefficient of the value of this BigNumber, an array of base 1e14 integer numbers, or null.
readonly c: number[];
readonly c: number[] | null;

* The exponent of the value of this BigNumber, an integer number, -1000000000 to 1000000000.
* The exponent of the value of this BigNumber, an integer number, -1000000000 to 1000000000, or null.
readonly e: number;
readonly e: number | null;

* The sign of the value of this BigNumber, -1 or 1.
* The sign of the value of this BigNumber, -1, 1, or null.
readonly s: number;
readonly s: number | null;

type NaNObject = { readonly c: null, readonly e: null, readonly s: null };
export type Object = RegularNumberObject | NaNObject;
export type Instance = BigNumber;
export type Constructor = typeof BigNumber;
export type ModuloMode = 0 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 9;
export type RoundingMode = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8;
export type Value = string | number | BigNumber | BigNumber.Object;
export type Value = string | number | BigNumber | Instance;

export declare class BigNumber {

* Used internally by the `BigNumber.isBigNumber` method.
* Used internally to identify a BigNumber instance.
private readonly _isBigNumber: true;

* The coefficient of the value of this BigNumber, an array of base 1e14 integer numbers.
* The coefficient of the value of this BigNumber, an array of base 1e14 integer numbers, or null.
readonly c: number[];
readonly c: number[] | null;

* The exponent of the value of this BigNumber, an integer number, -1000000000 to 1000000000.
* The exponent of the value of this BigNumber, an integer number, -1000000000 to 1000000000, or null.
readonly e: number;
readonly e: number | null;

* The sign of the value of this BigNumber, -1 or 1.
* The sign of the value of this BigNumber, -1, 1, or null.
readonly s: number;
readonly s: number | null;

* Returns a new instance of a BigNumber object with value `n`, where `n` is a numeric value in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,6 +458,13 @@ export declare class BigNumber {
* new BigNumber(9, 2)
* ```
* A BigNumber can also be created from an object literal.
* Use `isBigNumber` to check that it is well-formed.
* ```ts
* new BigNumber({ s: 1, e: 2, c: [ 777, 12300000000000 ], _isBigNumber: true }) // '777.123'
* ```
* @param n A numeric value.
* @param base The base of `n`, integer, 2 to 36 (or `ALPHABET.length`, see `ALPHABET`).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1191,7 +1193,7 @@ export declare class BigNumber {
sd(includeZeros?: boolean): number;

* Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber rounded to a precision of
* `significantDigits` significant digits using rounding mode `roundingMode`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1541,6 +1543,110 @@ export declare class BigNumber {
valueOf(): string;

* Helps ES6 import.
private static readonly default?: BigNumber.Constructor;

* Helps ES6 import.
private static readonly BigNumber?: BigNumber.Constructor;

* Rounds away from zero.
static readonly ROUND_UP: 0;

* Rounds towards zero.
static readonly ROUND_DOWN: 1;

* Rounds towards Infinity.
static readonly ROUND_CEIL: 2;

* Rounds towards -Infinity.
static readonly ROUND_FLOOR: 3;

* Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds away from zero .
static readonly ROUND_HALF_UP: 4;

* Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards zero.
static readonly ROUND_HALF_DOWN: 5;

* Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards even neighbour.
static readonly ROUND_HALF_EVEN: 6;

* Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards Infinity.
static readonly ROUND_HALF_CEIL: 7;

* Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards -Infinity.
static readonly ROUND_HALF_FLOOR: 8;

static readonly EUCLID: 9;

* To aid in debugging, if a `BigNumber.DEBUG` property is `true` then an error will be thrown
* if the BigNumber constructor receives an invalid `BigNumber.Value`, or if `BigNumber.isBigNumber`
* receives a BigNumber instance that is malformed.
* ```ts
* // No error, and BigNumber NaN is returned.
* new BigNumber('blurgh') // 'NaN'
* new BigNumber(9, 2) // 'NaN'
* BigNumber.DEBUG = true
* new BigNumber('blurgh') // '[BigNumber Error] Not a number'
* new BigNumber(9, 2) // '[BigNumber Error] Not a base 2 number'
* ```
* An error will also be thrown if a `BigNumber.Value` is of type number with more than 15
* significant digits, as calling `toString` or `valueOf` on such numbers may not result
* in the intended value.
* ```ts
* console.log(823456789123456.3) // 823456789123456.2
* // No error, and the returned BigNumber does not have the same value as the number literal.
* new BigNumber(823456789123456.3) // '823456789123456.2'
* BigNumber.DEBUG = true
* new BigNumber(823456789123456.3)
* // '[BigNumber Error] Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits'
* ```
* Check that a BigNumber instance is well-formed:
* ```ts
* x = new BigNumber(10)
* BigNumber.DEBUG = false
* // Change x.c to an illegitimate value.
* x.c = NaN
* // No error, as BigNumber.DEBUG is false.
* BigNumber.isBigNumber(x) // true
* BigNumber.DEBUG = true
* BigNumber.isBigNumber(x) // '[BigNumber Error] Invalid BigNumber'
* ```
static DEBUG?: boolean;

* Returns a new independent BigNumber constructor with configuration as described by `object`, or
* with the default configuration if object is `null` or `undefined`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1604,6 +1710,8 @@ export declare class BigNumber {
* Returns `true` if `value` is a BigNumber instance, otherwise returns `false`.
* If `BigNumber.DEBUG` is `true`, throws if a BigNumber instance is not well-formed.
* ```ts
* x = 42
* y = new BigNumber(x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1775,93 +1883,4 @@ export declare class BigNumber {
* @param object The configuration object.
static set(object: BigNumber.Config): BigNumber.Config;

* Helps ES6 import.
private static readonly default?: BigNumber.Constructor;

* Helps ES6 import.
private static readonly BigNumber?: BigNumber.Constructor;

* Rounds away from zero.
static readonly ROUND_UP: 0;

* Rounds towards zero.
static readonly ROUND_DOWN: 1;

* Rounds towards Infinity.
static readonly ROUND_CEIL: 2;

* Rounds towards -Infinity.
static readonly ROUND_FLOOR: 3;

* Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds away from zero .
static readonly ROUND_HALF_UP: 4;

* Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards zero.
static readonly ROUND_HALF_DOWN: 5;

* Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards even neighbour.
static readonly ROUND_HALF_EVEN: 6;

* Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards Infinity.
static readonly ROUND_HALF_CEIL: 7;

* Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards -Infinity.
static readonly ROUND_HALF_FLOOR: 8;

static readonly EUCLID: 9;

* To aid in debugging, if a `BigNumber.DEBUG` property is `true` then an error will be thrown
* on an invalid `BigNumber.Value`.
* ```ts
* // No error, and BigNumber NaN is returned.
* new BigNumber('blurgh') // 'NaN'
* new BigNumber(9, 2) // 'NaN'
* BigNumber.DEBUG = true
* new BigNumber('blurgh') // '[BigNumber Error] Not a number'
* new BigNumber(9, 2) // '[BigNumber Error] Not a base 2 number'
* ```
* An error will also be thrown if a `BigNumber.Value` is of type number with more than 15
* significant digits, as calling `toString` or `valueOf` on such numbers may not result
* in the intended value.
* ```ts
* console.log(823456789123456.3) // 823456789123456.2
* // No error, and the returned BigNumber does not have the same value as the number literal.
* new BigNumber(823456789123456.3) // '823456789123456.2'
* BigNumber.DEBUG = true
* new BigNumber(823456789123456.3)
* // '[BigNumber Error] Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits'
* ```
static DEBUG?: boolean;

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