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Design: Structuring Client Services

Jonathan Niles edited this page May 6, 2016 · 2 revisions

In order to facilitate easily reading and reviewing the code (as well as nice JSDoc layouts), we have adopted the following guidelines for creating services within the application.

  1. Always use services over factories, unless a specific use case is desired.
  2. Always use the suffix 'Service' at the end of the service name.
  3. Always alias var service = this at the top of the service function.
  4. Always bind service methods at the top of the service function declaration. The method definitions should be declared later.
  5. Always write JSDoc documentation comments at the function definition.
  6. Always return service at the bottom of the service function declaration.

Here is an example:

angular.module('')       // note: we are creating a 'service' instead of a 'factory'
.service('SomeService', SomeService);  // note: this name contains the suffix Service

SomeService.$inject = [ '$http', 'util' /*, other injects ... */];

function SomeService($http, util) {
  var service = this;  // note: we are aliasing the `this` reference.

  /** @method read */ = read;

  /** @method someOtherMethod */
  service.someOtherMethod = someOtherMethod;

  // .... 

  * The read methods returns detailed records from the database
  * @param {Number} id A numerical id found in the database
  * @example
  * .then(function (record) {
  *   vm.record = record;
  * });
  * @returns {Object} promise A promise object with the response.body inside.
  function read(id) {
    return $http.get('/some/endpoint' + id)

  * blah, blah, blah
  *  .... more JSDoc documentation
  function someOtherMethod() {
    // ... code ... 

  return service;  // Note: returning service at the bottom of the service.