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Oğuzhan Güç ogzcode
Frontend Developer

Ayssoft Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş. Türkiye/Malatya

Louis Ngatale LouisNgatale
Software Engineer passionate about backend engineering. TS | NextJs, React Native, NodeJS

@SafiriApps Dar es Salaam

Weston Nelson westonnelson
Non-fungible human.


Phillipe Macedo Phillipe17Macedo
FullStack Developer React Native

EuroChem Brasil Uberlândia -> Patrocínio

Vitalii Sokolov v-sokolov
Frontend Engineer at Ukraine

Róbert Enyedi enyedirr
The more I know, the more I realize I know nothing

Budapest, Hungary

jatin-green jatin-green
Learning & Writing Code. Happy to share & learn from you all cool peeps ! :)
Gregory Galushka GregoryNative
Software Engineer (React-Native)


Sidharth Arya SidharthArya
Machine Learning Engineer. A passionate open source contributor


Deepak Thapa dtsuper3
Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer

New Delhi, India

Vitor Hugo Scobin Scobin049
- Foco no desenvolvimento Javascript 👨‍💻

Avanade São Paulo/SP - Brasil

React.js Frontend Engineer


Robbie Corcoran Robbie-Corcoran
I'm Robbie, a Full Stack Web Developer with </salt> in Amsterdam.

</salt> Amsterdam

STonkoshkur STonkoshkur
React Native Senior Developer.

Ukraine, Sumy

Eddie Hsu D50000
This user like to keep an air of mystery ~

Taipei, Taiwan

Brendon Matos brendonmatos
Be kind, be useful, and be happy. That is all that matters.

C6 Bank Brazil

Saleh Soleimani salehsoleimani
Open to new experiences


Rafael Caferati rcaferati
Award-winning Software Engineer, UI/UX Specialist, and Product Designer; former Unity Technologies, Rocket.Chat, Sky UK.


LocTranDuc ittranducloc
Senior Backend (NodeJS), Self-taught Fullstack (React-based)
Vlad Tansky vltansky

Bank Leumi Israel

Onah-afo Bertrand Ake Berftrando
I'm Bertrand Ake,a web developer. passionate about creating interactive applications and web experience.


Nabed Khan nabedkhan
JavaScript | TypeScript | React | React Native | NextJS | VueJS | NodeJS | ExpressJS | NestJS | MongoDB | MySQL | GraphQL

@uilibrary Bangladesh

István Pánczél istvan-panczel
Freelance Software Engineer, working mostly on the front-end side.


Fabian s-fabian

@CyberForgeSolutions Germany

AYADI Soufiene AYADiSoufiene
fullstack web developper

Tunis, kairouan