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Roman Kunshin RomanK2311
I love Android and programs and I also love Material You and Goa Trance

Russian Federation, Republic of Udmurtia

Yash Chudasama yash-chudasama
Principal SDE @ | Tech Enthusiast

VideoSDK Bangalore, Karnataka, India

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Leonardo Militz leomilitz
Pentester, CTF Player and offensive security enthusiast. Currently, finishing my Computer Science Bachelor at UFSM (Universidade Federal de Santa Maria).

Clavis Segurança da Informação Santa Maria - RS

高级网吧管理员 jsbba
Ulises Cuñe ulises2k

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Network Engineer interested in automation.


Filipe João Mendes Rosa Utopico-Rosa
Software Developer

Lisbon, Portugal

Zac zacbostick
I am a passionate software developer and cybersecurity enthusiast based in Madison, WI. With a decade of experience in technology, I've transitioned from live e

@intercollegiatepsychedelicsnetwork @SAIGEmind Madison, WI

b0yun b0yun

no 世界之巅

Prathamz </> tagging-danger
रावण में बहुत बुराइयाँ थीं, पर उसने कभी अपना Source Code GitHub पर नहीं डाला।


RBWDenny rbwdenny

RBW Palo Alto

Keiran D TestingPens
Pentest monkey and malware researcher.
Nguyen Hoang Khoa khoanguyen23
Study at University of Information Technology - VNUHCM ( K15)
Ddi@K0 ddiako
Passionate about new technology, security, cloud tech and innovative interfaces , but above all GEEK !
Cherno.x Cherno-x
Security Engineer and RedTeam

360 beijing

Aleksandr Budanov abudanov

Moscow, Russian Federation

Yavirac yavirac
#techgeek, #infosec pro, near the #Yavirac, in the city of the strongest sun in the planet

Yavirac Quito

Carlos Fernandes carlosfernandescrypt
loves cybersec, software engineering, machine learning and math

Taguatinga - DF, Brazil

Dylan Vanhout dvanhout89
Software Engineer c#, javascript, typescript,

@RetroRabbit Pretoria, South Africa