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File metadata and controls

845 lines (615 loc) · 22.4 KB

Note: these docs are for version v4.0.0 (aka gulp@next) If you're on gulp v3.9.1, which is the current default npm release, you probably want that version's documentation.

gulp API docs

gulp.src(globs[, options])

Emits files matching provided glob or array of globs. Returns a stream of Vinyl files that can be piped to plugins.


glob refers to node-glob syntax or it can be a direct file path.


Type: String or Array

Glob or array of globs to read. Globs use [node-glob syntax] except that negation is fully supported.

A glob that begins with ! excludes matching files from the glob results up to that point. For example, consider this directory structure:


The following expression matches a.js and bad.js:

gulp.src(['client/*.js', '!client/b*.js', 'client/bad.js'])

Note that globs are evaluated in order, which means this is possible:

// exclude every JS file that starts with a b except bad.js
gulp.src(['*.js', '!b*.js', 'bad.js'])

Note: glob symlink following behavior is opt-in and you must specify follow: true in the options object that is passed to node-glob.


Type: Object

Options to pass to node-glob through glob-stream.

gulp adds some additional options in addition to the options supported by node-glob and glob-stream:


The working directory the folder is relative to.

Type: String

Default: process.cwd()


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Setting this to false will return file.contents as a stream and not buffer files. This is useful when working with large files.

Note: Plugins might not implement support for streams.

Type: Boolean

Default: true

Setting this to false will return file.contents as null and not read the file at all.


Type: String

Default: everything before a glob starts (see glob-parent)

E.g., consider somefile.js in client/js/somedir:

// Matches 'client/js/somedir/somefile.js' and resolves `base` to `client/js/`
  .pipe(gulp.dest('build'));  // Writes 'build/somedir/somefile.js'

gulp.src('client/js/**/*.js', { base: 'client' })
  .pipe(gulp.dest('build'));  // Writes 'build/js/somedir/somefile.js'

Type: Date or Number

Setting this to a Date or a time stamp will discard any file that have not been modified since the time specified.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

If true, it will create a duplex stream which passes items through and emits globbed files.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

When true, will allow singular globs to fail to match. Otherwise, globs which are only supposed to match one file (such as ./foo/bar.js) will cause an error to be thrown if they don't match.

// Emits an error if app/scripts.js doesn't exist

// Won't emit an error
gulp.src('app/scripts.js', { allowEmpty: true })

gulp.dest(path[, options])

Can be piped to and it will write files. Re-emits all data passed to it so you can pipe to multiple folders. Folders that don't exist will be created.


The write path is calculated by appending the file relative path to the given destination directory. In turn, relative paths are calculated against the file base. See gulp.src above for more info.


Type: String or Function

The path (output folder) to write files to. Or a function that returns it, the function will be provided a vinyl File instance.


Type: Object


Type: String

Default: process.cwd()

cwd for the output folder, only has an effect if provided output folder is relative.


Type: String or Number

Default: the mode of the input file (file.stat.mode) or the process mode if the input file has no mode property.

Octal permission specifying the mode the files should be created with: e.g. "0744", 0744 or 484 (0744 in base 10).


Type: String or Number

Default: Default is the process mode.

Octal permission specifying the mode the directory should be created with: e.g. "0755", 0755 or 493 (0755 in base 10).


Type: Boolean

Default: true

Specify if existing files with the same path should be overwritten or not.

gulp.symlink(folder[, options])

Functions exactly like gulp.dest, but will create symlinks instead of copying a directory.


Type: String or Function

A folder path or a function that receives in a file and returns a folder path.


Type: Object


Type: String

Default: process.cwd()

cwd for the output folder, only has an effect if provided output folder is relative.


Type: String or Number

Default: Default is the process mode.

Octal permission specifying the mode the directory should be created with: e.g. "0755", 0755 or 493 (0755 in base 10).

gulp.task([name,] fn)

Define a task exposed to gulp-cli, gulp.series, gulp.parallel and gulp.lastRun; inherited from undertaker.

gulp.task(function someTask() {
  // Do stuff

Or get a task that has been registered.

// someTask will be the registered task function
var someTask = gulp.task('someTask');


Type: String

If the name is not provided, the task will be named after the function name or displayName property. The name argument is required if the name and displayName properties of fn are empty.

Since the task can be run from the command line, you should avoid using spaces in task names.


The function that performs the task's operations. Generally it takes this form:

function someTask() {
  return gulp.src(['some/glob/**/*.ext']).pipe(someplugin());
someTask.description = 'Does something';


Gulp tasks are asynchronous and Gulp uses async-done to wait for the task's completion. Tasks are called with a callback parameter to call to signal completion. Alternatively, Task can return a stream, a promise, a child process or a RxJS observable to signal the end of the task.

Warning: Sync tasks are not supported and your function will never complete if the one of the above strategies is not used to signal completion. However, thrown errors will be caught by Gulp.

fn properties

gulp.task names the task after the function name property if the optional name parameter of gulp.task is not provided.

Note: is not writable; it cannot be set or edited. If you need to assign a function name or use characters that aren't allowed in function names, use the displayName property. It will be empty for anonymous functions:

function foo() {}; === 'foo' // true

var bar = function() {}; === '' // true = 'bar' === '' // true

gulp.task names the task after the function displayName property if function is anonymous and the optional name parameter of gulp.task is not provided.


gulp-cli prints this description alongside the task name when listing tasks:

var gulp = require('gulp');

function test(done){
test.description = 'I do nothing';

$> gulp --tasks
[12:00:02] Tasks for ~/Documents/some-project/gulpfile.js
[12:00:02] └── test  I do nothing

Async support

Accept a callback
var del = require('del');

gulp.task('clean', function(done) {
  del(['.build/'], done);

// use an async result in a pipe
gulp.task('somename', function(cb) {
  getFilesAsync(function(err, res) {
    if (err) return cb(err);
    var stream = gulp.src(res)
      .on('end', cb);

The callback accepts an optional Error object. If it receives an error, the task will fail.

Return a stream
gulp.task('somename', function() {
  return gulp.src('client/**/*.js')
Return a promise
var Promise = require('promise');
var del = require('del');

gulp.task('clean', function() {
  return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    del(['.build/'], function(err) {
      if (err) {
      } else {


var promisedDel = require('promised-del');

gulp.task('clean', function() {
  return promisedDel(['.build/']);
Return a child process
gulp.task('clean', function() {
  return spawn('rm', ['-rf', path.join(__dirname, 'build')]);
Return a RxJS observable
var Observable = require('rx').Observable;

gulp.task('sometask', function() {
  return Observable.return(42);

gulp.lastRun(taskName, [timeResolution])

Returns the timestamp of the last time the task ran successfully. The time will be the time the task started. Returns undefined if the task has not run yet.


Type: String

The name of the registered task or of a function.


Type: Number.

Default: 1000 on node v0.10, 0 on node v0.12 (and iojs v1.5).

Set the time resolution of the returned timestamps. Assuming the task named "someTask" ran at 1426000004321:

  • gulp.lastRun('someTask', 1000) would return 1426000004000.
  • gulp.lastRun('someTask', 100) would return 1426000004300.

timeResolution allows you to compare a run time to a file mtime stat attribute. This attribute time resolution may vary depending of the node version and the file system used:

  • on node v0.10, a file mtime stat time resolution of any files will be 1s at best;
  • on node v0.12 and iojs v1.5, 1ms at best;
  • for files on FAT32, the mtime time resolution is 2s;
  • on HFS+ and Ext3, 1s;
  • on NTFS, 1s on node v0.10, 100ms on node 0.12;
  • on Ext4, 1s on node v0.10, 1ms on node 0.12.


Takes a number of task names or functions and returns a function of the composed tasks or functions.

When using task names, the task should already be registered.

When the returned function is executed, the tasks or functions will be executed in parallel, all being executed at the same time. If an error occurs, all execution will complete.

gulp.task('one', function(done) {
  // do stuff

gulp.task('two', function(done) {
  // do stuff

gulp.task('default', gulp.parallel('one', 'two', function(done) {
  // do more stuff


Type: Array, String or Function

A task name, a function or an array of either.


Takes a number of task names or functions and returns a function of the composed tasks or functions.

When using task names, the task should already be registered.

When the returned function is executed, the tasks or functions will be executed in series, each waiting for the prior to finish. If an error occurs, execution will stop.

gulp.task('one', function(done) {
  // do stuff

gulp.task('two', function(done) {
  // do stuff

gulp.task('default', gulp.series('one', 'two', function(done) {
  // do more stuff


Type: Array, String or Function

A task name, a function or an array of either.[, opts][, fn])

Takes a path string, an array of path strings, a glob string or an array of glob strings as globs to watch on the filesystem. Also optionally takes options to configure the watcher and a fn to execute when a file changes.

Returns an instance of chokidar.'js/**/*.js', gulp.parallel('concat', 'uglify'));

In the example, runs the function returned by gulp.parallel each time a file with the js extension in js/ is updated.


Type: String or Array

A path string, an array of path strings, a glob string or an array of glob strings that indicate which files to watch for changes.


Type: Object

  • delay (milliseconds, default: 200). The delay to wait before triggering the fn. Useful for waiting on many changes before doing the work on changed files, e.g. find-and-replace on many files.
  • queue (boolean, default: true). Whether or not a file change should queue the fn execution if the fn is already running. Useful for a long running fn.
  • ignoreInitial (boolean, default: true). If set to false the fn is called during chokidar instantiation as it discovers the file paths. Useful if it is desirable to trigger the fn during startup. Passed through to chokidar, but defaulted to true instead of false.

Options that are passed to chokidar.

Commonly used options:

  • ignored (anymatch-compatible definition). Defines files/paths to be excluded from being watched.
  • usePolling (boolean, default: false). When true uses a watch method backed by stat polling. Usually necessary when watching files on a network mount or on a VMs file system.
  • cwd (path string). The base directory from which watch paths are to be derived. Paths emitted with events will be relative to this.
  • alwaysStat (boolean, default: false). If relying upon the fs.Stats object that may get passed as a second argument with add, addDir, and change events when available, set this to true to ensure it is provided with every event. May have a slight performance penalty.

Read about the full set of options in chokidar's README.


Type: Function

If the fn is passed, it will be called when the watcher emits a change, add or unlink event. It is automatically debounced with a default delay of 200 milliseconds and subsequent calls will be queued and called upon completion. These defaults can be changed using the options.

The fn is passed a single argument, callback, which is a function that must be called when work in the fn is complete. Instead of calling the callback function, async completion can be signalled by:

  • Returning a Stream or EventEmitter
  • Returning a Child Process
  • Returning a Promise
  • Returning an Observable

Once async completion is signalled, if another run is queued, it will be executed. returns a wrapped chokidar FSWatcher object. Listeners can also be set directly for any of chokidar's events, such as addDir, unlinkDir, and error. You must set listeners directly to get access to chokidar's callback parameters, such as path.

var watcher ='js/**/*.js', gulp.parallel('concat', 'uglify'));
watcher.on('change', function(path, stats) {
  console.log('File ' + path + ' was changed');

watcher.on('unlink', function(path) {
  console.log('File ' + path + ' was removed');

Type: String

Path to the file. If opts.cwd is set, path is relative to it.


Type: Object

File stats object when available. Setting the alwaysStat option to true will ensure that a file stat object will be provided.

watcher methods


Shuts down the file watcher.


Watch additional glob (or array of globs) with an already-running watcher instance.


Stop watching a glob (or array of globs) while leaving the watcher running and emitting events for the remaining paths it is watching.


Returns the tree of tasks. Inherited from undertaker. See the undertaker docs for this function.


Type: Object

Options to pass to undertaker.


Type: Boolean

Default: false

If set to true whole tree should be returned.

Example gulpfile

gulp.task('one', function(done) {
  // do stuff

gulp.task('two', function(done) {
  // do stuff

gulp.task('three', function(done) {
  // do stuff

gulp.task('four', gulp.series('one', 'two'));

    gulp.parallel('three', function(done) {
      // do more stuff

Example tree output


// output: [ 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five' ]

gulp.tree({ deep: true })

/*output: [


Get or set the underlying task registry. Inherited from undertaker; see the undertaker documention on registries. Using this, you can change registries that enhance gulp in different ways. Utilizing a custom registry has at least three use cases:

  • Sharing tasks
  • Sharing functionality (e.g. you could override the task prototype to add some additional logging, bind task metadata or include some config settings.)
  • Handling other behavior that hooks into the registry lifecycle (see gulp-hub for an example)

To build your own custom registry see the undertaker documentation on custom registries.


A registry instance. When passed in, the tasks from the current registry will be transferred to the new registry and then current registry will be replaced with the new registry.


This example shows how to create and use a simple custom registry to add tasks.

var gulp = require('gulp');

var companyTasks = require('./myCompanyTasksRegistry.js');


gulp.task('one', gulp.parallel('someCompanyTask', function(done) {
  console.log('in task one');
var util = require('util');

var DefaultRegistry = require('undertaker-registry');

function MyCompanyTasksRegistry() {;
util.inherits(MyCompanyTasksRegistry, DefaultRegistry);

MyCompanyTasksRegistry.prototype.init = function(gulp) {
  gulp.task('clean', function(done) {
  gulp.task('someCompanyTask', function(done) {
    console.log('performing some company task.');

module.exports = new MyCompanyTasksRegistry();