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Deploying Gatsby

Tutorials for deploying on different static site hosts


Netlify is an excellent option for deploying Gatsby sites. Netlify is a unified platform that automates your code to create high-performant, easily maintainable sites and web apps. They provide continuous deployment (Git-triggered builds), an intelligent, global CDN, full DNS (including custom domains), automated HTTPS, asset acceleration, and a lot more.

Their free tier includes unlimited personal and commercial projects, HTTPS, continuous deployment from public or private repos and more.

Deploying to Netlify

To deploy your Gatsby site to Netlify, go to hosting on netlify page and follow the documentation. The documentation explains how to create a Gatsby website to connect it with your custom domain.

Amazon S3 and Cloudfront

If you decide to host your Gatsby site on S3 with Cloudfront as CDN, you should change the "Origin Domain Name" on the Cloudfront panel with the real URL of your S3 bucket: replacing the default URL suggested by Amazon

Without this change, S3 doesn't look for index.html files when serving "clean urls".

GitHub Pages

Deploying a project page

You can deploy sites on GitHub Pages with or without a custom domain. If you choose to use the default setup (without a custom domain), or if you create a project site, you will need to setup your site with path prefixing.

On GitHub, you get one site per GitHub account and organization, and unlimited project sites. So it is most likely you will be creating a project site. If you do not have an existing repository on GitHub that you plan to use, take the time now to create a new repository on GitHub.

Use the NPM package gh-pages for deploying

First add gh-pages as a devDependency of your site and create an npm script to deploy your project by running npm install gh-pages --save-dev.

Then add a deploy script in your package.json file.

"scripts": {
  "deploy": "gatsby build --prefix-paths && gh-pages -d public",

In the gatsby-config.js, set the pathPrefix to be added to your site's link paths. The pathPrefix should be the project name in your repository. (ex. - your pathPrefix should be /project-name). See the docs page on path prefixing for more.

module.exports = {
  pathPrefix: `/project-name`,

If you have not yet initialized a Git repository in your working Gatsby site repo, set up Git in your project with git init. Then tell Gatsby where to deploy your site by adding the Git remote address with HTTPS or SSH. Here is how to do it with HTTPS: git remote add origin

Now run npm run deploy. Preview changes in your GitHub page You can also find the link to your site on GitHub under Settings > GitHub Pages.

If this is not successful, make sure that gh-pages is set as the source branch in your repository's Settings > GitHub Pages and then re-run npm run deploy.

Deploying a user/organization site

Unlike project pages, user/organization sites on GitHub live in a special repository dedicated to files for the site. The sites must be published from the master branch of the repository which means the site source files should be kept in a branch named source or something similar. We also don't need to prefix links like we do with project sites.

"scripts": {
  "deploy": "gatsby build && gh-pages -b master -d public",

The repository for these sites requires a special name. See for documentation on naming your site's repository.

If you wish to link your custom domain with your repo, you will need a CNAME file inside the static folder at the root directory level with the your custom domain url inside, like so:

GitLab Pages

GitLab Pages are similar to GitHub Pages, perhaps even easier to setup. It also supports custom domain names and SSL certificates. The process of setting GitLab pages up is made a lot easier with GitLab's included continuous integration platform.

Create a new GitLab repository, initialize your Gatsby project folder if you haven't already, and add the GitLab remote.

git init
git remote add origin
git add .
git push -u origin master

You can deploy sites on GitLab Pages with or without a custom domain. If you choose to use the default setup (without a custom domain), or if you create a project site, you will need to setup your site with path prefixing. If adding a custom domain, you can skip the Path Prefix step, and remove --prefix-paths from the gitlab-ci.yml file.

Path Prefix

As the site will be hosted under, you will need to configure Gatsby to use the Path Prefix plugin.

In the gatsby-config.js, set the pathPrefix to be added to your site's link paths. The pathPrefix should be the project name in your repository. (ex. - your pathPrefix should be /examplerepository). See the docs page on path prefixing for more.

module.exports = {
  pathPrefix: `/examplerepository`,

Build and Deploy with GitLab CI

To use GitLab's continuous integration (CI), you need to add a .gitlab-ci.yml configuration file. This is the file that GitLab uses to manage the CI job.

It can easily be added to your repository by the GitLab website, as the online editor contains a pre-built template for Gatsby deployment.

To use the template open your repository on their website, select the 'Setup CI/CD' option on the center menu, and it will create a new blank .gitlab-ci.yml for you. Now select the 'Apply a GitLab CI Yaml Template' drop-down, and type 'Gatsby' into the filter. Select the Gatsby option, click 'Commit Changes', and you are done!

If adding this manually to your project, the file needs to contain a few required fields:

image: node:latest

# This folder is cached between builds
    - node_modules/

    - npm install
    - ./node_modules/.bin/gatsby build --prefix-paths
      - public
    - master

The CI platform uses Docker images/containers, so image: node:latest tells the CI to use the latest node image. cache: caches the node_modules folder in between builds, so subsequent builds should be a lot faster as it doesn't have to reinstall all the dependencies required. pages: is the name of the CI stage. You can have multiple stages, e.g. 'Test', 'Build', 'Deploy' etc. script: starts the next part of the CI stage, telling it to start running the below scripts inside the image selected. We have used the npm install and ./node_modules/.bin/gatsby build --prefix-paths which will install all dependencies, and start the static site build, respectively.

We have used ./node_modules/.bin/gatsby build --prefix-paths because we then don't have to install gatsby-cli to build the image, as it has already been included and installed with npm install. We have included --prefix-paths as when running the command without that flag, Gatsby ignores your pathPrefix. artifacts: and paths: are used to tell GitLab pages where the static files are kept. only: and master tells the CI to only run the above instructions when the master branch is deployed.

Add that configuration, and with the next master branch push, your site should have been built correctly. This can be checked by going to your repository on GitLab, and selecting CI/CD in the sidebar. This will then show you a log of all jobs that have either succeeded or failed. You can click on the failed status, and then select the job to get more information about why your build may have failed.

If all went well, you should now be able to access your site. It will be hosted under - for example if you have a repository under your namespace, the url will be

Visit the GitLab Pages to learn how to setup custom domains and find out about advanced configurations.


You can use the heroku buildpack static to handle the static files of your site.

Set the heroku/node.js and heroku-buildpack-static buildpacks on your application creating an app.json file on the root of your project.

  "buildpacks": [
      "url": "heroku/nodejs"
      "url": ""

Sometimes specifying buildpacks via the app.json file doesn't work. If this is your case try to add them in the Heroku dashboard or via the CLI.

Add a heroku-postbuild script in your package.json:

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    // ...
    "heroku-postbuild": "gatsby build"
    // ...
  // ...

Finally, add a static.json file in the root of your project to define the directory where your static assets will be. You can check all the options for this file in the heroku-buildpack-static configuration.

  "root": "public/",
  "headers": {
    "/**.js": {
      "Cache-Control": "public, max-age=0, must-revalidate"


In order to deploy your Gatsby project using Now, you can do the following:

  1. Install the Now CLI

npm install -g now

  1. Run now at the root of your Gatsby project, this will upload your project, run the build script, and then your start script.

For alternate Now deployment options, check out this document.

Debugging tips

Don't minify HTML

If you see the following error:

Unable to find element with ID ##

or alternatively

Uncaught Error: Minified React error #32; visit[]=## for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

This is a new problem when dealing with static sites built with React. This is not caused by Gatsby. React uses HTML comments to help identify locations of components that do not render anything. If you are using a CDN that minifies your HTML, it will eliminate the HTML comments used by React to take control of the page on the client. Cloudflare is a CDN that minifies HTML by default.


Aerobatic is a specialized static site host. You can easily deploy your Gatsby site to Aerobatic with the following steps:

  1. Install the Aerobatic CLI:

npm install aerobatic-cli -g

  1. Create a new Aerobatic site at the root of your Gatsby project:

aero create --name <your-site-name>

  1. Deploy your Gatsby build output:

aero deploy --directory public

Your site will be ready on our CDN at in a matter of seconds.

There are some additional HTTP header optimizations you can configure in your aerobatic.yml file:

  # Note with below setting it is not necessary to pass --directory to aero deploy command
  directory: public
  # Turn off the Aerobatic asset fingerprinting since Gatsby already does this
    fingerprintAssets: false

  # Force aggressive 1yr max-age header for all .js and requests
  - name: http-headers
    path: ["/*.js", "/*"]
      "Cache-Control": "public, max-age=31536000"
  - name: webpage

Learn more about Gatsy and Aerobatic at