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Gatsby Link

A <Link> component for Gatsby.

It's a wrapper around @reach/router's Link component that adds enhancements specific to Gatsby. All props are passed through to @reach/router's Link component.

You can set the activeStyle or activeClassName prop to add styling attributes to the rendered element when it matches the current URL.

Gatsby does per-route code splitting. This means that when navigating to a new page, the code chunks necessary for that page might not be loaded. This is bad as any unnecessary latency when changing pages should be avoided. So to avoid that, Gatsby preloads code chunks and page data.

Preloading is triggered by a link entering the viewport; Gatsby uses Link's innerRef property to create a new InteractionObserver (on supported browsers) to monitor visible links. This way, Gatsby only prefetches code/data chunks for pages the user is likely to navigate to. You can also get access to the link element by passing in a innerRef prop.

How to use

In JavaScript:

import React from "react"
import { Link } from "gatsby"

class Page extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
            color: "red",
          innerRef={el => {
            this.myLink = el
            pleasant: "reasonably",
          Another page

Replacing history entry

You can pass boolean replace property to replace previous history entry. Therefore clicking the back button after navigation to such Link would redirect to page before, skipping the page the link was on.

import { Link } from 'gatsby'

render () {
  return (
      Go and prevent back to bring you back here

Using replace also won't scroll the page after navigation.

Programmatic navigation

For cases when you can only use event handlers for navigation, you can use navigate

import { navigate } from "gatsby"

render () {
  return (
    <div onClick={ () => navigate('/example')} role="link" tabIndex="0" onKeyUp={this.handleKeyUp}>

You can also pass state to pages when you navigate e.g. navigate("/a-path/", { state: { pleasant: "reasonably" }}

Note that navigate was previously named navigateTo. navigateTo is deprecated in Gatsby v2.

Prefixed paths helper

It is common to host sites in a sub-directory of a site. Gatsby lets you set the path prefix for your site. After doing so, Gatsby's <Link> component will automatically handle constructing the correct URL in development and production.

For pathnames you construct manually, there's a helper function, withPrefix that prepends your path prefix in production (but doesn't during development where paths don't need prefixed).

import { withPrefix } from "gatsby"

const IndexLayout = ({ children, location }) => {
  const isHomepage = location.pathname === withPrefix("/")

  return (
      <h1>Welcome {isHomepage ? "home" : "aboard"}!</h1>

Use <Link> only for internal links!

This component is intended only for links to pages handled by Gatsby. For links to pages on other domains or pages on the same domain not handled by the current Gatsby site, use the normal <a> element.

Sometimes you won't know ahead of time whether a link will be internal or not, such as when the data is coming from a CMS. In these cases you may find it useful to make a component which inspects the link and renders either with Gatsby's <Link> or with a regular <a> tag accordingly.

Since deciding whether a link is internal or not depends on the site in question, you may need to customize the heuristic to your environment, but the following may be a good starting point:

import { Link as GatsbyLink } from "gatsby"

const Link = ({ children, to, ...other }) => {
  // Tailor the following test to your environment.
  // This example assumes that any internal link (intended for Gatsby)
  // will start with exactly one slash, and that anything else is external.
  const internal = /^\/(?!\/)/.test(to)

  // Use Gatsby Link for internal links, and <a> for others
  if (internal) {
    return (
      <GatsbyLink to={to} {...other}>
  return (
    <a href={to} {...other}>

export default Link

File Downloads

You can similarly check for file downloads:

  const file = /\.[0-9a-z]+$/i.test(to)
  if (internal) {
    if (file) {
        return (
          <a href={to} {...other}>
    return (
      <GatsbyLink to={to} {...other}>