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64 lines (42 loc) · 1.45 KB

Enforce newlines between operands of ternary expressions (multiline-ternary)

JavaScript allows operands of ternary expressions to be separated by newlines, which can improve the readability of your program.

For example:

var foo = bar > baz ? value1 : value2;

The above can be rewritten as the following to improve readability and more clearly delineate the operands:

var foo = bar > baz ?
    value1 :

Rule Details

This rule enforces newlines between operands of a ternary expression. Note: The location of the operators is not enforced by this rule. Please see the operator-linebreak rule if you are interested in enforcing the location of the operators themselves.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint multiline-ternary: "error"*/

foo > bar ? value1 : value2;

foo > bar ? value :

foo > bar ?
    value : value2;

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint multiline-ternary: "error"*/

foo > bar ?
    value1 :

foo > bar ?
    (baz > qux ?
        value1 :
        value2) :

When Not To Use It

You can safely disable this rule if you do not have any strict conventions about whether the operands of a ternary expression should be separated by newlines.

Related Rules
