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Enforce best practices for JavaScript promises.

js-standard-style travis-ci npm version


You'll first need to install ESLint:

$ npm i eslint --save-dev

Next, install eslint-plugin-promise:

$ npm install eslint-plugin-promise --save-dev

Note: If you installed ESLint globally (using the -g flag) then you must also install eslint-plugin-promise globally.


Add promise to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file. You can omit the eslint-plugin- prefix:

    "plugins": [

Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section.

    "rules": {
        "promise/always-return": "error",
        "promise/no-return-wrap": "error",
        "promise/param-names": "error",
        "promise/catch-or-return": "error",
        "promise/no-native": "off",
        "promise/no-nesting": "warn",
        "promise/no-promise-in-callback": "warn",
        "promise/no-callback-in-promise": "warn",
        "promise/avoid-new": "warn"


Promise Rules

  • catch-or-return Enforces the use of catch on un-returned promises.
  • no-return-wrap Avoid wrapping values in Promise.resolve or Promise.reject when not needed.
  • param-names Enforce consistent param names when creating new promises.
  • always-return Return inside each then to create readable and reusable Promise chains.
  • no-native In an ES5 environment, make sure to create a Promise constructor before using.
  • no-nesting Avoid nested .then() or .catch() statements
  • no-promise-in-callback Avoid using promises inside of callbacks
  • no-callback-in-promise Avoid calling cb() inside of a then() (use nodeify] instead)
  • avoid-new Avoid creating new promises outside of utility libs (use pify instead)

Async/Await Rules

  • prefer-await-to-then Prefer await to then() for reading Promise values
  • prefer-await-to-callbacks Prefer async/await to the callback pattern

Rule: catch-or-return

Ensure that each time a then() is applied to a promise, a catch() is applied as well. Exceptions are made if you are returning that promise.


function doSomethingElse() { return myPromise.then(doSomething) }


myPromise.then(doSomething, catchErrors); // catch() may be a little better
function doSomethingElse() { myPromise.then(doSomething) }



You can pass an { allowThen: true } as an option to this rule to allow for .then(null, fn) to be used instead of catch() at the end of the promise chain.


You can pass a { terminationMethod: 'done' } as an option to this rule to require done() instead of catch() at the end of the promise chain. This is useful for many non-standard Promise implementations.

You can also pass an array of methods such as { terminationMethod: ['catch', 'asCallback', 'finally'] }.

This will allow any of

Promise.resolve(1).then(() => { throw new Error('oops') }).catch(logerror)
Promise.resolve(1).then(() => { throw new Error('oops') }).asCallback(cb)
Promise.resolve(1).then(() => { throw new Error('oops') }).finally(cleanUp)

Rule: always-return

Ensure that inside a then() you make sure to return a new promise or value. See (rule #5) for more info on why that's a good idea.

We also allow someone to throw inside a then() which is essentially the same as return Promise.reject().


myPromise.then((val) => val * 2));
myPromise.then(function(val) { return val * 2; });
myPromise.then(doSomething); // could be either
myPromise.then((b) => { if (b) { return "yes" } else { return "no" } });


myPromise.then(function(val) {});
myPromise.then(() => { doSomething(); });
myPromise.then((b) => { if (b) { return "yes" } else { forgotToReturn(); } });


Enforce standard parameter names for Promise constructors


new Promise(function (resolve) { ... })
new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { ... })


new Promise(function (reject, resolve) { ... }) // incorrect order
new Promise(function (ok, fail) { ... }) // non-standard parameter names

Ensures that new Promise() is instantiated with the parameter names resolve, reject to avoid confusion with order such as reject, resolve. The Promise constructor uses the RevealingConstructor pattern. Using the same parameter names as the language specification makes code more uniform and easier to understand.


Ensure that Promise is included fresh in each file instead of relying on the existence of a native promise implementation. Helpful if you want to use bluebird or if you don't intend to use an ES6 Promise shim.


var Promise = require("bluebird");
var x = Promise.resolve("good");


var x = Promise.resolve("bad");

Rule: no-return-wrap

Ensure that inside a then() or a catch() we always return or throw a raw value instead of wrapping in Promise.resolve or Promise.reject


myPromise.then(function(val) {
  return val * 2;
myPromise.then(function(val) {
  throw "bad thing";


myPromise.then(function(val) {
  return Promise.resolve(val * 2);
myPromise.then(function(val) {
  return Promise.reject("bad thing");
